حمل تطبيقاتنا للموبايل
حمل تطبيقاتنا للموبايل للمشاركة والحصول على جديد منصة مصر للبرمجيات الحرة مفتوحة المصدر.‎
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من الخميس, أكتوبر 31, 8:00 صباحًا
الى الجمعة, نوفمبر 01, 5:00 مساءً

100دولار أمريكي اذهب لموقع الفعالية مؤتمرات/اجتماعات قمة

The Linux Security Summit (LSS) is a technical forum for collaboration between Linux developers, researchers, and end users with the primary aim of fostering community efforts in analyzing and solving Linux security challenges.

LSS is where key Linux security community members and maintainers gather to present and discuss their work and research to peers, joined by those who wish to keep up with the latest in Linux security development and who would like to provide input to the development process.


The ​Linux ​Foundation


Lyon Convention Centre
50 Quai Charles de Gaulle, 69463 Lyon, France
Lyon, Lyon 69463 France
+ Google Map

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