With The Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO support

The Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO, cooperated with UNESCO, to start a project to support The Open Source Software (OSS) in Egypt; Also to promote the importance of OSS for the developing countries to reach the sustainable development.

The project started with an event held last Monday, June 24th, on the headquarter of the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO; with attendance of many of Egyptian FOSS community members, activists and The Egyptian Platform of Free an Open Source Software (EgyptFOSS).

Project’s main goal is to encourage ICT community and Developers to start using OSS and to develop more OSS to help Egypt to reach sustainable development.

Also, The project will work with the local community members and activists to encourage small and medium ICT companies and entities and support them to use OSS and build projects using OSS which will make a great impact on the economy.

The last Monday event held, with the support of H.E. Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar the ministry of the high education and the national commission president.

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